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Friday, March 29, 2013

Treasure-Filled Warrior's Grave Found in Russia

Hidden in a necropolis situated high in the mountains of the Caucasus in Russia, researchers have discovered the grave of a male warrior laid to rest with gold jewelry, iron chain mail and numerous weapons, including a 36-inch (91 centimeters) iron sword set between his legs. That is just one amazing find among a wealth of ancient treasures dating back more than 2,000 years that scientists have uncovered there. Among their finds are two bronze helmets, discovered on the surface of the necropolis. One helmet (found in fragments and restored) has relief carvings of curled sheep horns while the other has ridges, zigzags and other odd shapes. Although looters had been through the necropolis before, the warrior's grave appears to have been untouched. The tip of the sword he was buried with points toward his pelvis, and researchers found "a round gold plaque with a polychrome inlay" near the tip, they write in a paper published in the most recent edition of the journal Ancient Civilizations from Scythia to Siberia. [See Images of the Warrior Burial and Artifacts] The remains of three horses, a cow and the skull of a wild boar were also found buried near the warrior. "These animals were particularly valuable among barbarian peoples of the ancient world. It was [a] sign of [the] great importance of the buried person, which was shown by his relatives and his tribe," wrote team member Valentina Mordvintseva, a researcher at the Ukrainian National Academy of Sciences Institute of Archaeology, in an email to LiveScience. The animal bones and pottery remains suggest that a funeral feast was held in his honor. Without written records it is difficult to say exactly who the warrior was, but rather than ruling a city or town, "he was rather a chief of a people," Mordvintseva said. The necropolis is located near the town of Mezmay. Grave robbers discovered the site in 2004 and rescue excavations began in 2005. Who used the necropolis? Based on the artifacts, researchers believe the warrior's burial dates back around 2,200 years, to a time when Greek culture was popular in west Asia, while the necropolis itself appears to have been in use between the third century B.C. and the beginning of the second century A.D. Researchers were careful to note that the artifacts cannot be linked to a specific archaeological culture. Mordvintseva points out that "this region is very big, and not sufficiently excavated," particularly in the area where the necropolis is located. "[I]t is situated high in mountains. Perhaps the population of this area [had] trade routes/passes with Caucasian countries — Georgia, Armenia etc.," Mordvintseva writes in the email. While the people who used the necropolis were clearly influenced by Greek culture, they maintained their own way of life, said Mordvintseva. "Their material culture shows that they were rather very proud of themselves and kept their culture for centuries." Gold treasures This way of life includes a fondness for gold-working. The warrior's burial included more than a dozen artifacts made of the material. Perhaps the most spectacular find was a gold fibula-brooch with a rock crystal at its center. Although the brooch was only 2.3 by 1.9 inches (5.8 by 4.8 centimeters), it had several layers of intricately carved decorations leading toward the mount. "Inside the mount a rock-crystal bead has been placed with a channel drilled through it from both ends," the researchers write. The team was surprised to find that two of the warrior's swords (including the one pointing toward his pelvis) had gold decorations meant to be attached. In one case a short 19-inch (48.5-cm)-long iron sword had a gold plate, with inlayed agate, that was meant to adorn its sheath. Until now, scholars had never seen this type of golden sword decorations in this part of the ancient world, the researchers write. The "actual fact that these articles were used to decorate weapons sets them apart in a category all of their own, which has so far not been recorded anywhere else

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Mystery Space Machines

Pensamiento de hoy

febrero, 2008
Aprender sin pensar es tiempo perdido, pensar sin aprender es peligroso.
Confucio, filósofo chino.

"No hay viento favorable para el que no sabe a dónde va" (Séneca)

Camuflaje OVNI


En nuestro mundo, una de las facultades que más nos asombra del mundo animal es la llamada mimetismo. Esta es la capacidad de los organismos vivos para pasar inadvertidos para los depredadores. Las variantes son múltiples, desde cambiar el color del pelaje, confundiéndose con su medio, hasta el de adquirir las formas de su entorno, incluso cuando nosotros mismos observamos el comportamiento de animales de nuestro interés, utilizamos el recurso del camuflaje. En la guerra la invisibilidad es una premisa, es por eso que la nación que logre duplicar el camuflaje OVNI obtendrá todas las ventajas sobre su enemigo. Actualmente existen naves invisibles, por lo menos para el radar, como el llamado Stealth Fighter, que por su diseño y pintura especial pasa inadvertido para los radares.

Einstein, en una de sus teorías afirmaba que mediante procesos magnéticos haciendo vibrar un objeto, esté podría desplazar el espectro electromagnético visible que despiden los objetos haciéndolos completamente indistinguibles para el ojo humano. Teoría que se probaría en el tristemente célebre experimento Filadelfia en 1947, con repercusiones bastante lamentables.

Los rayos infrarrojos y ultravioleta están por encima y por debajo, respectivamente, del espectro visible para el ojo humano. Para que una frecuencia infrarroja pueda ser perceptible son necesarios elementos ópticos y tecnológicos de los que carece el ojo humano, sin embargo, un ejemplo claro para poder realizarlo en nuestro hogar, basta colocar un telemando frente a una cámara de video y observarlo en el monitor de televisión.

Esto explicaría cómo aparece y cómo queda registrado en un video un OVNI, cuando al realizar la grabación éste no se observa y ni siquiera es el centro de atención. No obstante, este fenómeno también se produce en negativos fotográficos aun cuando este proceso (óptico químico) es diferente al video. Dando una idea de que si nuestras percepciones físicas no pueden detectar estos avistamientos, sí se cuenta con elementos para poder observarlos.

Otro tipo de camuflaje OVNI (al menos físico y visible), sería el de adoptar las formas del entorno atmosférico, en este caso nubes. Se han registrado avistamientos donde los observadores de estos fenómenos, ven claramente cómo las nubes tienen movimientos caprichosos en el cielo. Estos movimientos por cierto muy semejantes a los observados a través de la historia, donde incluso algunos casos se observan bajar entidades de las mismas.

Por otra parte, la misma maniobrabilidad de algunos OVNI´s hacen que pasen desapercibidos para algunos instrumentos de detección, esto como es de suponerse, sólo es necesario hallarse fuera del campo que cubre un radar, colocándose por encima o por debajo para pasar inadvertido. En medio de estos parámetros explicativos queda otra interrogativa, ¿se pueden ver o fotografiar entidades que se desarrollan en un plano de tres dimensiones? No, no se puede, ya que no obedecen las leyes físicas y ópticas del mismo comportamiento que conocemos, haciendo imposible dejar constancia en una placa o en un video, al menos con la óptica terrestre tal y como la conocemos.

Como se podrá deducir entonces, el hecho de que observemos OVNI´s en el cielo, sólo puede tratarse de un acto consciente de ser observados y enterarnos que allá arriba está sucediendo algo.